4 November 2010

On Show At: The Tourist Information Centre, Faringdon

During November I am the 'featured artist' in the local tourist information centre. If you're in the area please pay a visit and take a look at some of my work. As well as mounted prints I've included some 'desk pictures' (stand supported acrylic prints) and for the first time some pictures printed on metal. The metal images are quite striking (if I may say so!) and are all black and white this time around. I really like these first few I've had made so will undoubtedly order some more. Perhaps in colour next time! They are extremely robust, useable in kitchens and bathrooms, and even in gardens if not in full sunlight, and they are very contemporary. They're also surprisingly lightweight and easy to hang. I may order one for my own bathroom... The four on display are all local scenes.

If you need further incentives to visit, the TIC now has a full range of charity christmas cards available, along with 2011 calendars, and all the usual local information. You will undoubtedly also get, free of charge, a warm welcome from the friendly staff there!